
Category: Giving


See this site:

Kind and Generous: Natalie Merchant

“Gifts that Change Lives”

Listen to Nicolas Kristof! Here are organizations that he mentions in this op-ed:

Heifer International
International Rescue Committee
Shining Hope for Communities
Vital Voices
Polaris Project
Fair Girls

1000 cranes

Make-A-Crane has donated a string of 1000 cranes to Half the Sky for their silent auction 🙂

Half the Sky

Just saw New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof speak at Brown University! Wonderful, invigorating presentation from a man doing a lot of good in this world. Kristof spoke of numerous women he has encountered through his work, expressed hope that us students would challenge ourselves to experience the new despite fear of the unknown, and presented a very nuanced reflection on just how much a difference we can make. We’ve won “the lottery of life,” he said — we’ve got a bit of responsibility to those who have not.


One might be generous with:

text messages
kind words
reading material
handpicked bouquets
(Money isn’t even in that long sentence!)

Let me know if I forgot anything.
Oh and comments and likes 😉

The Dalai Lama: Peace Through Compassion

International Book Project

Check out the International Book Project. Found it through GoodReads.

Give A Gift Every Day For 1 Month

Cami Walker launched on Day 29 of a month of giving. She documented her giving in the bestseller 29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving Can Change Your Life. Here is the website description:

29 Gifts is a global giving movement with more than 16,300 members in 43 countries. Our collective mission at 29 Gifts is to revive the giving spirit in the world. We change our lives—and change the world—one gift at a time. Learn how our 29-Day Giving Challenge works and sign up now.

YOUR GIFTS DO GOOD. A portion of 29 Gifts Boutique profits are donated to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. 29 Gifts Founder and Author, Cami Walker, and two million others worldwide live with MS. Create a world free of MS by shopping in the 29 Gifts Boutique.

Women for Women International

“I believe the way to stop violence against women is to speak out and refuse to be silent.”

“Women are the glue of families and societies; when women thrive, countries thrive.”

–Zainab Salbi, an Iraqi woman who founded Women for Women International at age 23, in 1993

There is lots more from the website!: Women for Women International provides women survivors of war, civil strife and other conflicts with the tools and resources to move from crisis and poverty to stability and self-sufficiency, thereby promoting viable civil societies. We’re changing the world one woman at a time.

Creativity Awakens

“People living in disenfranchised and traumatized communities often became totally silenced and invisible to the world.”

“Awakening creativity in people in general, especially in traumatized situations, empowers and heals. It gives them space to express themselves and share their grief, despair and dreams for the future.”

“Art is a powerful took in building community and social change. Artists can be at the center of that change.”

–Lily Yeh, who began Barefoot Artists, a non-profit that works with the poor communities to creates social change transforms the most socially passive capitalist whether s/he wants it or not, turning shopping into social engagement:

1. Choose a cause.

2. Search, shop or dine.

3. We donate for every search or purchase.

Just like Kickstarter, this is “an online charity connecting you to classrooms in need.” Great idea!

Here is some background from the website:

“ grew out of a Bronx high school where teachers experienced first-hand the scarcity of learning materials in our public schools.

Charles Best, then a social studies teacher, sensed that many people would like to help distressed public schools, but were frustrated by a lack of influence over their donations. He created in 2000 so that individuals could connect directly with classrooms in need.

Our mission: engages the public in public schools by giving people a simple, accountable and personal way to address educational inequity.

Our vision: We envision a nation where children in every community have the tools and experiences needed for an excellent education.”

Roots and Shoots

Jane Goodall talked about an organization she founded, Roots and Shoots, in her TED Talks presentation.

Giving What We Can

Interesting choice of recommended charities to give to.

Essays on giving.

Some quotations on giving.

Very interesting decision to place names of members (those who pledged 10% of their income) on this list.

Carnegie Endowment…

…for International Peace

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

The Wilson Center. Students might be interested in this.


Great idea on giving.

Free Documentary Site

This is a wonderful site! You can watch documentaries ranging the spectrum of possibilities.

Davis Projects for Peace

Check out these Projects for Peace. So many creative proposals, from empowering women with computer skills and workshops to establishing community gardens and bringing in guest lecturers.

Steve McCurry

Steve McCurry has a wonderful blog featuring his photography from around the world. Here are a few quotes of his:

There is nothing more gratifying than helping people whom I have photographed because most often, it is impossible to locate them again.

I have always been interested in the ways that people around the world share things in common. All of those things remind us of what the human condition is really about.